Our video presentation

Small video presentation telling about our family.

Meanwhile, I wanna tell you about last of our news. My husband recently flew to America and has been there for 2 weeks. We'll tell you about his experiences. My husband says that it will have to create a new separate website.

Bye! See you soon!

November 17, 2006

Our children

The main people in our family - children.

He is our younger son MichaelHe is our younger son Michael. He was born on January, 13th, 2005. He is 1 year and 10 months. This photo has been made when we visited to our grandmother and grandfather (parents of my husband).

He is our son MaximHe is our son Maxim. He's 9 years. He studies in the third class of high school.

Children are walkingSometimes our children are simply angels.Sometimes our children - are simply angels.

Children's entertainmentsBut more often - absolutely on the contraryBut more often - absolutely on the contrary :))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love to watch the older one jerkoff