Our video presentation

Small video presentation telling about our family.

Meanwhile, I wanna tell you about last of our news. My husband recently flew to America and has been there for 2 weeks. We'll tell you about his experiences. My husband says that it will have to create a new separate website.

Bye! See you soon!

November 20, 2006

Brave Misha!

Child's life

Here is such brave Misha!We went to a children's polyclinic recently. Misha has caught a cold approximately one month ago. And we should come for scheduled physical examination in a polyclinic. Misha behaved very easy there. He has never begun to cry. Even when the doctor examined and looked his throat. Our nurse has presented his special a badge-label "The Brave patient" for it. Here is such brave Misha!

Misha eats gingerbread.Misha eats gingerbread.

Misha learns the world when playsMisha learns the world when plays.

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